free woman
(inspired at symbiosis music festival....)
Alone. I drive my own car that's full of items I bought myself, with the money i have earned myself, doing things i love, like cloths, fluffy blankets and decorative pillows and some creations like costumes and art pieces, shoes and makeup. I listen to loud music while wearing a tiny top with no sleeves. pulling my skirt up letting my legs reveal themselves to the day. I arrived at the huge festival and say hi to all the people I know and some I don't.
I go to sleep naked in my warm car. loads of strangers around me but my car is unlocked. It doesn't even occur to me to lock it because I feel so safe.
In the morning, i prounce around half-naked , my skin bear, soaking the sunlight as I walk joyfully and proudly, at moments like a silly child and at others roaring my sexuality and power.
I hug people, open to all and they are all open to me, allowing me to be who i want to be. i keep strolling until I find a quiet corner by a lake and I decide to sit. I take off my shoes and socks, my black fishnets and even my underwear allowing my Yoni to breathe the fresh air and enjoy the Sun as well.
I take my freedom for granted until.... a group of men, Israeli men, arrive. At first the old fears and usual stories I've been carrying as a woman in this world flood my mind : "Are they going to stare at me? hurt me? approach me? harass me?".... But these men just enjoy the water, running naked as well into it and laughing like children. They don't know I speak Hebrew and a part of me, (some ego, scared part, one that only wants to protect me, being a women, alone with these strange men, feeling so vulnerable) was waiting for them to talk about me, to see what they would say about The naked girl besides them. will they say anything dirty or disrespectful, But they just spoke of the Beautiful Day, the cool refreshing water and how much they needed this amazing moment, just like me.
These men raised a deep fear from within me, but they gave me such a gift. they helped me realize just how blessed I am. How free and safe i am. These strange men have treated me like men should treat a woman. with respect, with acceptance, with freedom. And they reminded me that there are amazing men all around me. around us, sisters.
In that moment, lived in a world where women and men simply are. Both equally free just to be. To play. to express. it is only a part of this world, but i am lucky enough to live in this part, knowing other sisters are not as fortunate as me on this planet.
A music festival like this one, is a space, though for a short time, where I am free to enjoy my body. hug men and laugh with men out loud. enjoy makeup. walk half naked. dress and undress in front of people I don't even know. I am free.
I am free for all my sisters out there that are still caged and cannot even talk. or share their inner world, their thoughts and fears . for all the girls who cannot even go outside without a permission of a man or without fearing for their life. I am free for you and one day very soon you'll join me in a crazy dance naked in the Moonlight. naked in the sun. This is the time of the mother.
This is our Time.
In this festival, a man offered me his socks and shoes when mine ripped apart from dancing all night. another one offered me his coat when i was cold. One offered me his love and devotion but set me free with honor when i declined. Another helped me carry my things and another bought me a meal. a beautiful brother just stopped me to say thank you...
In one moment, we can Unite with love And respect.
Men, I am here to love you and help you all Unite with your Divine masculine. and you in return help me just by being you, giving me a strong, grounded space to be free, to express the fire and sexuality in me, which IS our power as women. you allow to live in my power.
You, remarkable brothers, allow me freedom and also protect me. I see the beauty in you men. And I hope you see it too. most of you still dont but i am committed to keep reminding you . to be a mirror for you and push you to the point of your awakening to your divinity . just as you are pushing me and all my sisters to awaken to ours. i don't promise it will always be with ease, because awakening is not meant to be easy and peaceful our world needs to be shaken and sometimes even broken to pieces, but i am committed to you. to be honest, open and live the truth of my soul. men and women now are doing this. it is done mostly unknowingly, but our souls remember this agreement.
I can feel you more, men. your soul. your heart. and that is all that, us, women wish to touch and awaken. our bodies can always play and enjoy love making, but the union of our souls is the summit of our existence. when your heart is open we wish to play with you more, for we feel safe. we can trust. and that is really all a divine masculine needs from the feminine- her trust. we wish to feel every part of you, to dive into your strong hearts and love it. we want you to reveal your deepest corners, the traumas, the ego, the fear, even the lust, so we can flood our light there. and we want to feel safe to surrender our deepest pits of darkness in return, knowing you will still be the unstoppable, steady force that holds us and will not let us go.
I love you divine men. keep opening your heart because you are helping us open ours.
I love to fully trust the masculine once more.