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A one-of-a-kind online journey with Luna Ora to ignite your connection to your dragon and the dragon energy that is awakening on Earth once more. This power arrives now to aid and support us as dark forces attempt to play out their worst games on humanity. We have all the tools necessary to unite within and without and utilize our eternal spirit weapons, always guided by love and truth. The dragons reach out to you now... will you reach back?


It is time for the dragon! We have entered the Year of the Dragon, coinciding with the opening of the most significant portals to all dimensions, both higher and lower.

many portals have been opening for years now, but Since October 7th, numerous lower portals have been activated, accompanied by the opening of portals for higher beings, many of which are linked to dragon entities. The dragon energy brings clarity regarding alignment with the greater good or opposition to it, especially for the benefit of humanity.

In greater density, dragons are present now to assist humanity in the unfolding of this 'story.' The current moment calls for pioneering a new path and birthing a new world, safeguarded by the fiercest love and force symbolized by the dragon. With its flames of regeneration and its belly representing a womb, the dragon embodies a divine feminine force associated with both endings and beginnings, pure alchemy, and protection.

Let us venture into the realm of the dragons.

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